Jan 26, 2015

Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns: The Expansioning

What better time to revisit ye olde website than the announcement of the brand new Heart of Thorns expansion? In case you haven't seen it yet, or want to see it again, here's the trailer:
A super quick summary of everything known so far:

Apr 5, 2014

Happy April!

ArenaNet loves their pranks. In celebration of April 1st this year, they made some stylistic changes to the in-game world...

Bobble, bobble...
Bobble, bobble...

Screenshot Saturday: Photos Around Tyria - Plains of Ashford

Welcome back to Screenshot Saturday!

The Plains of Ashford. Those of us who started out playing Guild Wars back when it was released recognize this area as the first place we spent any time. We loved this area when it was beautiful, peaceful Pre-Searing. I'd wager that a number of us still have some Pre-only characters lingering. We were heartbroken to see it become the barren desolation when we returned to Ascalon after the Searing, and the alien landscape helped us hate the Charr who had wrought such destruction.

This view is poignant for a few reasons. The first is that we clearly see the passage of time. We see the architecture of Ascalon in decay. When the Charr destroyed the walls, they did not bother to repair or restore them. They left the physical reminders of human occupation to die. Second, we see Tyria wearing her autumnal finery, a clear call back to the days of Pre-Searing. On another note, I love how ArenaNet changes the lighting based on where you are. When I look at photos taken in Ascalon, I can tell because the sky itself and the quality of lighting says Ascalon to me.

What did you think about seeing Ascalon in Guild Wars 2 for the first time? Did you love how it called back memories from Guild Wars? Did you enjoy seeing how Charr innovation and engineering has changed the landscape?

Mar 29, 2014

Screenshot Saturday: Photos Around Tyria

Welcome back to Screenshot Saturday!

The Photos Around Tyria project will showcase a photo from each zone of the game. My goal is to catch something particularly interesting about each area: this could be an area that is utterly atypical and out of place or something that captures the feel of the area.

This week, we will be starting out in The Grove. I find this to be a breathtaking area, serene as only Maguuma can be.

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